About this study

“So….what is this study about?”

Stop and wonder for a moment.  Maybe even pretend you are in the position of God.  You are faced with a serious dilemma, you are completely holy; unable to co-exist with anything stained by sin (us).  How would you explain to the people you love how you intend to overcome this moral dilemma?  Would you simply tell the people you love… “Just believe in Jesus and his sacrifice and it fixes everything”?  Although true, one hearing this message would be at best very confused.   On the other hand, you could teach your children the deep examples of your love, your promises, and even punishment?

This study examines the Old Testament as God’s method of communicating His plan to restore us.  His plan is perfect, and as we study it becomes incredibly clear.  He starts in the garden (Genesis) and ends in the garden (Revelation 21).  He creates a nation He calls his own and leads them out of slavery, through the desert into a place of promise.

We are that nation.

Click this link for a weekly outline of the study:   Square One Outline

One thought on “About this study

  1. If you are unsure about attending this study, let me share with you how it has impacted me and maybe it will help you in your decision. For me the Christian walk has always been complicated, a list of do’s and don’ts. I would strive hard to “do” all the right things, but never quite sure what the “right” things are. Since I’ve taken the Square One Bible study (5 times now:) I have realized how simple Christianity really is. It’s not at all about me and my effort, but rather it’s all about God’s great plan to save me. I am now free from striving and guessing what God requires and free to love Him and serve others as He gives me the opportunity. Come to the study. I’m pretty sure that you will be amazed at God’s perfect plan.

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